Sunday 16 November 2014

Wake up cigarette call!

              Everyone knows that "smoking is injurious to health" as it’s carcinogenic in nature and can develop oral and lung cancer, but even though, in spite of that people are addicted to it. They don't only harm themselves, but also others in the process of smoking.

             Studies shows that urge to smoke vary from person to person. 32 % of people have their first light up as soon as they wake up, 31% smoke within 6 to 30 mins, & 19% smokers smoke more than an hour after waking, Out of these, the people  who light up cigarette as a wake up call, face the most disastrous effects of smoking.

        Wake up cigarette is inhaled by the person more deeply and thoroughly, due to this, higher levels of NNAL  - a by product of a tobacco specific carcinogen called NNK are found in their blood, thereby putting the pt in a higher risk group  for developing oral and lung cancer.

        This wake up cigarette call is harmful regardless of how many cigarettes they smoke in a day.

     Therefore It’s time to wake up… and stop this wake up cigarette call.. 


Monday 20 October 2014

No to Tobacco Now

There’s no time like the ‘Present’ - Say ‘No’ to Tobacco Now…!!

                        If you’re thinking about quitting tobacco, do it now, as this is high time to kill this addiction which is eating away your life. Try to think & evaluate, how much you are losing, when you light up day after day, year after year.

                        Tobacco comes with a warning sign that it’s injurious to health, in spite of that people get addicted to looking cool. It’s rightly said while having cigarette, you have fire on one end and fool on the other end.

                      Quitting is not so easy, as your body gets addicted to the “Nicotine” present in the tobacco, but you should look out for a strong reason as to why you want to leave this addiction, there are many reasons out of which only some of them are:-

  • Quit for your health
  • Quit for your looks and appearance
  • Quit for your loved ones, as they are also in danger of second hand smoking when you smoke.
  • Quit for your financial growth.

Be determined for this & you can see the benefits…

  1. Within some time of quitting, you can see the improvement regarding your health. You will have less occurrence of infections, your immune power increases.
  2.  Lower chance of blood clot formation, which can lead to lung diseases, or heart diseases.
  3. Lower the risk of infertility problems.
  4. An improvement in your looks, staining of teeth, lips, fingernails decrease etc. Apart from this bad breadth decreases…. Your sense of taste and smell comes back.
  5. Improvement in your finances, as you can save on your money by stopping to spend on tobacco and as well as related health problems.
  6. Lower the risk of  health hazard of your loved ones.
  7.  Lower the risk of your children imitating yourself.

                  As told earlier, the path to the right thing is always so difficult, but you can always take help of counselors who can provide you help with replacement therapies, so as to avoid the relapse of this ‘Deadly’ addiction.

Smoke away the fear for your life.. Say no to Tobacco today itself….!!

Thursday 21 August 2014

Cancer Cambating-Nutritious Facts of Food

Basically, no food can cure cancer, but still what you eat or not can make a lot of difference. Cancer treatment like Chemotherapy or Radiation put a lot of strain on one’s body, so you have to make the right choices during and after treatment, which can help you to feel better & live longer in a healthier way.
                         There are some facts which can help you to combat cancer & its side effects.

Choose What You Eat:-
    1. Choose high protein & a low fat diet.
    2. Eat frequent small meals.
    3. Avoid foods low in calorie or foods having zero calorie.
    4. Try to eat when you are feeling good.
    5. Do not drink liquids with your meals.
    6. Avoid spicy foods or foods with strong odors.
    7. Drink 100% fruit or vegetable juices.
Ease Side Effects with Food:-
    1.  Nix Nausea:- To ward off nausea, eat bland foods, smaller meals, and eat slowly.
    2.  Fire away Fatigue:- To combat Fatigue, keep nutritious things handy, such as nuts, carrot slices, or cereals, or yogurt.
    3.  Manage mouth sores:- Puree or grind foods are easy to swallow, & easier to eat. Liquid foods such as soups and smoothies are also good options.
    4.  Conquer constipation:- Eat high fibre foods like beans, lentils, vegetables, and fresh or dried fruit.
    5.  Drive away diarrhea:- Eat soft, bland foods & avoid greasy foods. Drink plenty of water to balance electrolytes in the body. 
    6.  Focus on food safety:-
      • Stay away from refrigerated & moldy foods
      • Cook all your meals properly with proper choice of oil.
      • Scrub and rinse fruits and vegetables thoroughly before cooking.

     "Healthy Food makes a Healthy Body and Soul"….
" Combat Cancer with Nutritious food choices"

Thursday 24 July 2014

Baby Steps Towards Cancer Free Home

  • Live in a well ventilated house with maximum optimization of sunrays.
  • If possible, Don’t live near main road , or petrol pump or any refineries.
  • Minimise the use of ‘mobile or cordless phones’ at home.
  • Try to have ‘Playzone’ area for children, instead of putting ‘Play station’.
  • Limit the use of beauty products and toiletries, Go natural way.
  • Include basic cleaning supplies like vinegar or baking soda, instead of chemical cleaners.
  • Include ‘super foods’ in your diet
       1. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage etc
       2. Tomatoes
       3. Garlic
       4. Bright coloured fruits such as apples, mangoes, berries etc
       5. Carrots
       6. Sprouts
       7. Dark green leafy vegetables
       8. Beans Lentils
       9. Oatmeal
  • Go easy on ‘OIL’ intake.
  • Cut down on sugar and salt.
  • Drink Green tea or coffee.
  • Avoid cooking in Nonstick or Aluminum ware.
  • Minimise the use of Microwave oven.
  • Avoid canned Foods.
  • Drink clean water.
  • Create a Happy, Laughter, Cancer free filled house.